With the extra food eaten by the clan and one less fight later in the game I'd guess this ends up being the slightly less optimal route for renown despite its initial advantage, but better for caravan size. The problem with staying outside is you'll starve on the way to Wyrmtoe if you don't get very fortunate/save scum the random events for supplies, or buy about 5 days worth at the 1:1 trading price in Frostvellr before you leave, since supplies don't carry over between chapter 2 & chapter 4. The Banner Saga is an SRPG (strategic role-playing game) where you take control of a band of humans and Varl (giants) on an epic viking journey, with combat similar to Shining Force using a turn. Treat the Training tent like a normal event. In The Banner Saga 2 when in the camp roll a D6, 1-2 Rest, 3-4 Training Tent, 5-6 Leave. Most of the games from this list were released either for Nintendo or PlayStation systems. Platform: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android. Both items are pretty great, although Calabilla is a bit more unique, so I think it edges out Shepersky stone (which Namejs's ring can replace if you get reasonable fortune in marketplaces). When in the Camp in The Banner Saga 1 & 3 roll a D4, on a roll of 1-2 Rest one day, 3-4 leave. The Banner Saga looks just like a Disney movie. You get more renown and clansmen going outside. At a 75 list price (for all 3), there are WAY BETTER games out there. So you get more supplies going inside, but only if you give up on Gil. The 3 Banner Saga games are like 3 episodes in a single Telltale style gameyou really need to consider Banner Saga 1, 2, and 3 as one game. Staying outside allows you to go with 2 fights on the way in (I think you have to rest and tend the wounded to get the info about the cart and then confront it rather than ambushing it) in chapter 2, then gives you 3 fights at the start of chapter 4, which give you 96 clansmen and calabilla. You'll also get a fight much later in the game. IIRC you get 1 fight to get into the city and 2 fights at the start of chapter 4 on that route. The Banner Saga and its sequel have been well-documented and praised for a while now.And no wonder development team Stoic Games, founded by several ex-BioWare employees, raised the first Banner Saga to immense success on Kickstarter in 2012. Immediately starting right after the events of Banner Saga 2, you take control of two different caravans on two different missions, but working together nonetheless.

When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls. If you don't go that way then you miss out on all the good stuff from that route - Shepersky stone, the 140 supplies and the 35 fighters. The saga continues in this final installment. The Banner Saga v2.1.65 ENGLISH Fixed Files The Banner Saga v1.0 ENGLISH Fixed Files.

Staying inside is only worth it if you want to go with Ekkil which means Gil dies and Alette kills a human.